2019 Problem Gambling Conference Presentations

Thank you for registering to attend the 2019 Problem Gambling conference, to be held at the Santa Ana Star Casino Hotel on Aug. 8-9, 2019. As a reminder, please park on the side with the hotel, to the east of the casino, nearest the mountain. Also, please bring a sweater or small blanket if you tend to get chilly in the conference rooms.

On presentations for the speakers, this is the line up of what we’ve received. If a presentation is available for download, you will be able to click on the speakers name below. Please download or print to bring with you.


  1. Dan Best
  2. Cam Adair
  3. Kris Goodrich (no handout)
  4. Frank Kros: Keynote Session 1
  5. Frank Kros: Keynote Session 2
  6. Celeste Napier
  7. Rob Weiss
  8. James Stevens & Rebecca Beardsley (no handout)

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