The 28th Annual RGANM Conference on Problem Gambling will focus on “Converging Paths: Culture, Spirituality, Native Ways of Healing, Brain Science, and Honoring the Elderly“. It will be held August 15-16, 2024 at the Isleta Resort & Casino near Albuquerque. Counselors and social workers will earn 12 CEUs including 6 for ethics and 6 for cultural ethics with their attendance.

Speakers scheduled to attend include:

  • Daniel Mate, Co-author of “The Myth of Normal”.
  • Jon Grant, Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience
  • Sharon Baty, PhD with a session title How Spiritual Practices May Contribute to Post-Traumatic Growth of Trauma Survivors who Struggle with Gambling and Other Addictions
  • Javoen Byrd and Itza on the Healing Power of Drumming
  • Regina Koupp, PhD on There’s No Expiration Date on Healing and Transformation: How Ageism Keeps Older Adults Out of Gambling Treatment and What You Can Do to Ensure Mental Health Access for All
  • Chris Anderson, LMFT – Encore; The Spirituality of Gambling Addiction
  • Lorenzo Jim, LPCC- Working with Native American Clients, What Therapists Need to Know

For 28 years, the Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico has offered therapists from all over New Mexico to its annual conference to hear from a diverse variety of experts on, mental health, trauma, holistic healing, and recovery from problem gambling and other addictions.
This conference is both a high quality learning experience and a very affordable way to earn 12 CEUs while mingling and catching up with colleagues. Early bird registration is $59 until June 15, 2024, then will be $79.

To register, click here. If you need to be invoiced for your registrations, reach out to Kalika Valerio at For purchase orders, please contact directly (505)242-6988 and ask for Extension 120. Download Agenda.

Isleta Resort & Casino is offering a discounted Room Rate for the 2024 RGANM Conference at $141.00 per night. Reservations must be made before Saturday, July 13, 2024.  Book Hotel Reservations at (877)747-5382 or (505) 724-3800.  You must mention the Meeting Group name: Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico, or use the Group Code: RNM0824.


The Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico has scheduled its 27th annual conference on problem gambling, to be held August 10 and 11 at the Buffalo Thunder Resort Casino. The conference theme is “Supporting Today’s Therapist with their Intensifying Caseload”.

The conference will offer behavioral health providers 12 gambling-specific CEUs, including 6 ethics CEUs. To register, click here to complete an off-site registration. The fee will be $59.00 until June 15th, then $69 thereafter and can be paid with any major credit card. When the payment has processed, you’ll receive a registration confirmation letter. The fee includes the two-day conference, lunches and refreshments.

A limited number of discounted hotel rooms are available at nearby hotels. Nightly rates do not include applicable taxes and fees.

  • Buffalo Thunder Resort Casino, $209/night. Call 505-455-5555 or click here.
  • Cities of Gold Casino Hotel, $89/night. Call 505-455-4232 or click here.
  • The Lodge at Santa Fe, $119/night. Call 505-992-5800 or click here.

Speakers and presentations that support our treatment practices will include:

  • Keynote Speaker Dacher Keltner, researcher and author of the best-selling work, “Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life.”
  • Implications of Big Wins for Gambling Behavior and their Effects on Future Sports Betting with Eric R. Louderback, Ph.D.
  • Supporting Your Mindfulness Practice with Michelle Duval from the Mindful Center
  • Finding Your Best Self: Recovery from Addiction, Trauma, or Both by Lisa Najavitz and presented by Summer Krause
  • Micro-Dosing Assisted Treatment and Therapist Self-Care with Dr. Lida Fatemi
  • The Seeking Safety Adolescent Toolkit, a new work by Summer Krause
  • The Spirituality of Gambling Addiction with Chris Anderson
  • Problem Gambling, Mental Health, and Aging with Regina Koupp, Ph,D.

Questions about the conference can be directed to coordinator, Monique Smith, at 505-242-6988, Ext. 123, or

The Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico is pleased to offer the sixth webinar in our series on problem gambling. The March 19, 2021 session will focus on Beyond the Loot: The Bigger Story of Gaming and Gambling, Trauma, and the Pandemic. This interactive webinar will look at the relationship between community, gaming ecosystems, gambling, trauma, and addiction.

This webinar will be Friday, March 19, 2021 from 11am-12:30pm MST. Speakers will be Cam Adair and Daniel Blackwood.

Click here to register.

Attendees will earn 1.5 gambling-specific CEUs. Attendance is free but registration is required. Space is limited.

Daniel Blackwood, LPCC, ICGCII-BACC, CSAT, RTM, will lead a discussion on the impact of gaming with Cam Adair.

Cam is a pioneer in the world of gaming addiction, based on his personal experience and subsequent commitment to the field. Cam’s experience and background includes:

  • Addicted to video games for 10 years
  • Gamed as an escape from intense bullying, anxiety, and depression
  • Dropped out of high school, pretended to have jobs, wrote a suicide note
  • Founded to help others, it now serves 75,000 members each month in 95 countries
  • Named one of Canada’s Leaders in Mental Health by CAMH
  • Published in Psychiatry Research with Dr. Daniel King

Cam Adair spoke at the 2019 RGANM seminar, where he received rave reviews. At the time he presented on, among other information, understanding the key importance of Loot Boxes when working with clients with gaming issues. Now Cam is coming back to share about the bigger story and, together with Daniel, they will look at how this relates to trauma and the pandemic.

March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month. Learn about the many resources available at no charge through the Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico.

The National Council on Problem Gambling offers a screening tool, helpful toolkits, and sample social media posts here.

The Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico is pleased to offer two sessions in our webinar training for treatment providers. These sessions will focus on “The Key to Working with Gambling Problems: A Model of Supervision with Case Examples”.

Each session will provide 1.5 Supervision CEUs. The first webinar will be held on November 13, 2020 from 11am-12:30pm MST and will focus on the MONEY portion of gambling problems.

The second event, December 11, 2020 from 11am-12:30pm MST, will cover the LIES related to gambling problems.

Attendees will earn 1.5 Supervision CEUs for each event. Attendance is free but registration is required.

Speakers will be Chris Anderson, LMFT, ICGC-II-BACC; Chris Goodrich, PhD, LPCC, ICGC-II; and Daniel Blackwood, LPCC, ICGC-II-BACC.

We hope to resume our in-person annual conference in August 2021, but until then, we will offer an excellent lineup of speakers in online webinars.

In 2019, the Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico expanded our efforts to educate the public about the signs of problem gambling, and to provide prevention and treatment. See our stats for 2019.

2019 Outreach RGANM Infographic

The 2019 Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico’s annual problem gambling conference will be held on Thursday and Friday, August 8-9, 2019 from 8:00am to 4:30pm each day. The event will be held at a new venue, the Santa Ana Star Casino Hotel in Bernalillo.

The conference will provide 12 CEU credits for counselors and social workers’ ongoing education, 6 of which are ethics.  The fee for the conference has remained the same for the past few years so that behavioral health professionals and the general public can attend. The $75 registration fee covers all the sessions and materials, as well as continental breakfast and buffet lunch both days. Registration will close on July 21st or when the capacity of the venue is reached. Past conference attendees will receive an email when registration opens as a reminder, if your email has not changed. You may also use the “Join Our Mailing List” signup on the bottom of the website page.

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Counselors, join our mailing list to receive the latest news from our Problem Gambling Conferences

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