Problem gambling, more often than we would like to think, lies underneath what some of our clients present with at intake.  Moreover, most clinicians, doctors, emergency room physicians, and urgent care providers don’t screen for gambling disorders and clients are only too happy to keep their gambling disorder a secret, probably because of the strong shame and stigma that having it often causes.

The Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico (RGANM), now in its 26th year of advocating for responsible gaming and leading the fight against problem gambling, is offering the 26th Annual Conference on Problem Gambling in a virtual format.  The RGANM Annual conference is the largest and longest-standing conference on problem gambling in the Southwest. Launched in 1998, the RGANM Annual Conference brings together compelling speakers and experts from across the country and around the world and provides opportunities to learn from colleagues in the field.

Problem gambling affects every community in our state and can cripple the lives not only of problem gamblers themselves, but of their families and friends as well.  Since it is a hidden addiction, it requires skills and knowledge to unearth and effectively treat.  This year’s conference sessions will highlight some of the tools and resources available for effective gambling disorder treatment and recovery and offer information on innovative treatment topics that affect your work.

Each webinar, held March through August 2022, will be 2 hours in duration and, if all are attended, will provide a total of 12 gambling-specific CEU hours, which will also count for Ethics CEUs.  The conference webinar lineup is as follows:

  1. March 18th, 11am-1pm: Jeff Marrotta, PhD

“The Impacts of COVID-19 on Changes to Gambling and Other Behaviors with Addiction Risk: Clinical and Ethical Considerations”

Registration Link:

  1. April 22nd, 11am-1pm: Heather Gray, PhD and “Catherine” (a recovering gambler)

“Treatment Implications of Expanded Gambling: Insights from Research and Lived Experience”

Registration Link: 

  1. May 20, 11am-1pm: Jon Grant, PhD

“The Brain and How We Use That Information for Treatment”

Registration Link:

  1. June 17, 11am-1pm: Chris Anderson, LMFT

“Working From the Inside Out: Live Supervision Session on Problem Gambling”

Registration Link:

  1. July 15, 11am-1pm: Speaker and Topic To Be Announced

Registration Link:

  1. August 12, 11am-1pm: Sarah Nelson, PhD

“Findings from Athletes and Gambling Study”

Registration Link:

Important: In order to attend the webinar series and receive CEUS, participants will have to:

1) Be registered

2) Attend the entire session

3) Fill out a session survey afterwards and answer ethics questions relating to the material taught.

CEU certificates will be emailed to participants email addresses within 5 business days following completion of the post webinar series.

The 11th problem gambling webinar in the series from the Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico continues on Friday, July 16, 2021 from 11am-12:30pm MDT. Ethics Session III: Sports Betting and Fantasy Sports Betting in the U.S. is the third of a four-part series on ethics and problem gambling. Also, please mark your calendar for the final ethics session, August 13 from 11am-12:30pm MDT; an invitation for that registration will be sent in mid-July.
Recent Federal legislative changes in the United States have led some states to liberalize gambling regulations and allow sports betting, with many other states to follow. Though we have very little evidence about sports betting in the US, primarily because of the newness of the market, there are lessons we can learn about what we might expect in this emerging market from recent international work on online sports betting, research on daily fantasy sports in the US, and research on treatment system implication of gambling expansion.
The first half of this webinar reviews the emerging literature on sports gambling and its relation to gambling-related problems. We’ll discuss recent work examining the actual play patterns of subscribers to online sports gambling and daily fantasy sports betting.
The second half of the webinar will address the potential treatment system implications of gambling expansion, including potential treatment gaps related to demand and capacity, and how to assess and address them.
Our presenters will be Dr. Sarah E. Nelson, Ph.D., the Director of Research at the Division on Addiction, Cambridge Health Alliance, and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and Dr. Heather Gray, Ph.D., the Director of Academic Affairs at the Division on Addiction, Cambridge Health Alliance, and an Instructor in the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.
Attendees will earn 1.5 gambling-specific CEUs for each session (counselors and social workers). Attendance is free but registration is required and space is limited. Click here to register.
Registration is open for the next in the Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico webinar series. The problem gambling webinar series from RGANM continues on Friday, June 11, 2021 from 11am-12:30pm MDT. This is the second of a four-part series on ethics and problem gambling. Please mark your calendar for the other dates: July 16 and August 13; each session will be 11am-12:30pm MDT.
When we embody what we learn, that’s when it sinks in. This webinar, “Embodying Ethics: Gambling, Trauma, and Music?!” takes us on the ethics path using case studies of gambling clients, their partners, and families, and utilizes breathing and music to anchor in what we will learn.
Our presenter will be Daniel Blackwood, LPCC, ICGCII-BACC.
Attendees will earn 1.5 gambling-specific CEUs for each session (counselors and social workers). If you attend all 4, you’ll receive 6 CEUs. You do not, of course, have to attend all sessions.
Attendance is free but registration is required and space is limited. Click here to register.

The problem gambling webinar series from the Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico continues on FridayMay 21, 2021 from 11am-12:30 pm MDT. This is the first of a four-part series on ethics and problem gambling. Please mark your calendar for the other dates: June 11, July 16, and August 13; each session will be 11am-12:30 pm MDT.

When we embody what we learn, that’s when it sinks in. This webinar, “Embodying Ethics: Gambling, Trauma, and Music?!” takes us on the ethics path using case studies of gambling clients, their partners, and families, and utilizes breathing and music to anchor in what we will learn.

Our presenter will be Daniel Blackwood, LPCC, ICGCII-BACC.

Attendees will earn 1.5 gambling-specific CEUs for each session (counselors and social workers). If you attend all 4, you’ll receive 6 CEUs. You do not, of course, have to attend all sessions.

Attendance is free but registration is required and space is limited.

Click here to register.

A New Direction for EFT: Expanding the Self with Individually Focused Interventions

Note: Due to a medical emergency, our planned speaker, Sue Johnson, will be rescheduled at a later date. Instead, the April 16th seminar will begin a four-part series on “Ethics and Gambling”. It will be led by Daniel Blackwood, LPCC. Participants will have a refresher on ethics then the opportunity to study some gambling cases. Please click the link below to register. Those who already registered for Sue Johsson’s session DO NOT need to re-register.


The upcoming April webinar from the Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico will be Friday, April 16, 2021 from 11am-12:30pm MDT. New Mexico treatment providers can insight from the creator of Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT). A New Direction for EFT: Expanding the Self with Individually Focused Interventions (EFIT) will focus on a general introduction to EFT as an experiential attachment-based model of therapy for individuals, couples and families. You’ll learn the core principals of change in EFIT; the “5-Move EFT Tango”; micro-interventions; a short therapy excerpt; and have an opportunity to ask questions.

Our presenter will be Susan Johnson, Ph.D., an author, researcher, master clinician, and creator of Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT). Learn more about her at


Attendees will earn 1.5 gambling-specific CEUs. Attendance is free but registration is required and space is limited.


Click here to register.

EFT is an important tool in the therapist’s toolbox to work with couples, families, and individuals. This is especially true for the problem gambler who has disconnected from feeling and is often estranged from their partner and family. As recovery occurs, they need support to self-regulate and process emotion, to repair significant relationships, and to re-attach safely.

The Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico is pleased to offer the fifth webinar in our series on problem gambling. The February 19, 2021 session will focus on Mindfulness-Based Emotional Processing:(MBEP). This is a useful method for helping clients who struggle with gambling disorder learn to regulate and process emotions.

The event will be Friday, February 19, 2021 from 11am-12:30 pm MST.

Click here to register.

Attendees will earn 1.5 gambling-specific CEUs. Attendance is free but registration is required. Space is limited.
The presenter will be Daniel Blackwood, LPCC, ICGSCII-BACC, and RTM Certified. He will will share this useful method of working with clients while diving deeper into the work with gambling disorder; balancing left-brain approaches with the right brain, a bottom up, more e-bodied and integrated approach, utilizing Mindfulness-Based Emotional Processing (MBEP).
MBEP, developed by Robert Weisz ,PhD, is a mindful, body-centered approach to activating intrinsic emotional processing in the brain. The processing is activated and maintained by the client’s and the therapist’s mindful, felt sense attention, upon the client’s somatic experience. The client’s emotional processing is enabled, focused, and supported through the attuned relational connection between the therapist and the client.

MBEP is a practical, useful method for initiating and promoting essential emotional regulation and processing. It can easily be incorporated into any therapeutic modality.

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