The Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico is pleased to offer the sixth webinar in our series on problem gambling. The March 19, 2021 session will focus on Beyond the Loot: The Bigger Story of Gaming and Gambling, Trauma, and the Pandemic. This interactive webinar will look at the relationship between community, gaming ecosystems, gambling, trauma, and addiction.

This webinar will be Friday, March 19, 2021 from 11am-12:30pm MST. Speakers will be Cam Adair and Daniel Blackwood.

Click here to register.

Attendees will earn 1.5 gambling-specific CEUs. Attendance is free but registration is required. Space is limited.

Daniel Blackwood, LPCC, ICGCII-BACC, CSAT, RTM, will lead a discussion on the impact of gaming with Cam Adair.

Cam is a pioneer in the world of gaming addiction, based on his personal experience and subsequent commitment to the field. Cam’s experience and background includes:

  • Addicted to video games for 10 years
  • Gamed as an escape from intense bullying, anxiety, and depression
  • Dropped out of high school, pretended to have jobs, wrote a suicide note
  • Founded to help others, it now serves 75,000 members each month in 95 countries
  • Named one of Canada’s Leaders in Mental Health by CAMH
  • Published in Psychiatry Research with Dr. Daniel King

Cam Adair spoke at the 2019 RGANM seminar, where he received rave reviews. At the time he presented on, among other information, understanding the key importance of Loot Boxes when working with clients with gaming issues. Now Cam is coming back to share about the bigger story and, together with Daniel, they will look at how this relates to trauma and the pandemic.

March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month. Learn about the many resources available at no charge through the Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico.

The National Council on Problem Gambling offers a screening tool, helpful toolkits, and sample social media posts here.

The Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico is pleased to offer the fifth webinar in our series on problem gambling. The February 19, 2021 session will focus on Mindfulness-Based Emotional Processing:(MBEP). This is a useful method for helping clients who struggle with gambling disorder learn to regulate and process emotions.

The event will be Friday, February 19, 2021 from 11am-12:30 pm MST.

Click here to register.

Attendees will earn 1.5 gambling-specific CEUs. Attendance is free but registration is required. Space is limited.
The presenter will be Daniel Blackwood, LPCC, ICGSCII-BACC, and RTM Certified. He will will share this useful method of working with clients while diving deeper into the work with gambling disorder; balancing left-brain approaches with the right brain, a bottom up, more e-bodied and integrated approach, utilizing Mindfulness-Based Emotional Processing (MBEP).
MBEP, developed by Robert Weisz ,PhD, is a mindful, body-centered approach to activating intrinsic emotional processing in the brain. The processing is activated and maintained by the client’s and the therapist’s mindful, felt sense attention, upon the client’s somatic experience. The client’s emotional processing is enabled, focused, and supported through the attuned relational connection between the therapist and the client.

MBEP is a practical, useful method for initiating and promoting essential emotional regulation and processing. It can easily be incorporated into any therapeutic modality.

The Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico is pleased to offer the next installment in our webinar training for treatment providers. The January 15, 2021 session will focus on Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories (RTM) with an introduction to how it works and application to individuals struggling with gambling disorders.

The event will be Friday, January 15, 2021 from 11am-12:30 pm MST.

Click here   to register.

Attendees will earn 1.5 gambling-specific CEUs. Attendance is free but registration is required. Seats are limited.
The presenter will be Daniel Blackwood, LPCC, ICGSCII-BACC, and RTM Certified.

Free, confidential help is available during Covid-19

If you are struggling with a gambling problem, or if you’re the partner or loved one of someone affected by compulsive gambling, free help is available. Even during times such as the pandemic, the Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico is offering support through education and free treatment.

Whether you live in a town or a rural area, “virtual” sessions provide confidential access to treatment services by trained professionals.

Via the internet, mental health treatment for gambling problems is now available so that everyone can access high quality assistance without having to drive long distances.

All you need is an internet connection, a private place in your home or at work, and a smart phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer that has a working microphone and speakers.

To learn more about this virtual service and treatment for problem gambling, call the Responsible Gaming Association helpline. Calls are answered 24/7. You can also visit to learn more.

The Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico is pleased to offer two sessions in our webinar training for treatment providers. These sessions will focus on “The Key to Working with Gambling Problems: A Model of Supervision with Case Examples”.

Each session will provide 1.5 Supervision CEUs. The first webinar will be held on November 13, 2020 from 11am-12:30pm MST and will focus on the MONEY portion of gambling problems.

The second event, December 11, 2020 from 11am-12:30pm MST, will cover the LIES related to gambling problems.

Attendees will earn 1.5 Supervision CEUs for each event. Attendance is free but registration is required.

Speakers will be Chris Anderson, LMFT, ICGC-II-BACC; Chris Goodrich, PhD, LPCC, ICGC-II; and Daniel Blackwood, LPCC, ICGC-II-BACC.

We hope to resume our in-person annual conference in August 2021, but until then, we will offer an excellent lineup of speakers in online webinars.

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Counselors, join our mailing list to receive the latest news from our Problem Gambling Conferences

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