In an effort to provide continuing education to treatment providers across our large state, the Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico holds occasional workshops and symposiums on problem gambling in locations across New Mexico. Information about our annual conference is found here. Here are the more intimate, regional sessions that are scheduled for 2025:
- May 9, 2025 at Sky City Casino in Acoma, NM: The 5th Annual Symposium on Problem Gambling: Two Roads Meet 2025. This one-day session will be presented by Daniel Blackwood, LPCC IGCC2-BACC, and David Lente, LADAC ICGC2. Problem gambling is often described as the “hidden addiction” because it is so easy to hide in the earlier stages and often goes undetected in relationships, families, in the therapy room, at primary care doctor visits, and at the emergency room. Acoma Business Enterprises in cooperation with The Evolution Group, Inc., is offering a unique therapist training opportunity that is being held at Sky City Casino for providers in New Mexico. This training seminar is comprehensive introduction training for therapists, to learn how to effectively treat the complex issues that persons with a gambling disorder present keeping in mind, cultural diversity. To register, click here.
- September 25-26, 2025 at Inn of the Mountain Gods in Mescalero, NM. This will be a two-day session. The topic and presenters are not yet finalized. Please check back for more information and a link to register.