The 11th problem gambling webinar in the series from the Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico continues on Friday, July 16, 2021 from 11am-12:30pm MDT. Ethics Session III: Sports Betting and Fantasy Sports Betting in the U.S. is the third of a four-part series on ethics and problem gambling. Also, please mark your calendar for the final ethics session, August 13 from 11am-12:30pm MDT; an invitation for that registration will be sent in mid-July.
Recent Federal legislative changes in the United States have led some states to liberalize gambling regulations and allow sports betting, with many other states to follow. Though we have very little evidence about sports betting in the US, primarily because of the newness of the market, there are lessons we can learn about what we might expect in this emerging market from recent international work on online sports betting, research on daily fantasy sports in the US, and research on treatment system implication of gambling expansion.
The first half of this webinar reviews the emerging literature on sports gambling and its relation to gambling-related problems. We’ll discuss recent work examining the actual play patterns of subscribers to online sports gambling and daily fantasy sports betting.
The second half of the webinar will address the potential treatment system implications of gambling expansion, including potential treatment gaps related to demand and capacity, and how to assess and address them.
Our presenters will be Dr. Sarah E. Nelson, Ph.D., the Director of Research at the Division on Addiction, Cambridge Health Alliance, and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and Dr. Heather Gray, Ph.D., the Director of Academic Affairs at the Division on Addiction, Cambridge Health Alliance, and an Instructor in the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.
Attendees will earn 1.5 gambling-specific CEUs for each session (counselors and social workers). Attendance is free but registration is required and space is limited. Click here to register.

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