This independent report completed in 2006 summarizes the findings of a comprehensive survey of gambling participation and gambling-related problems among adult residents of New Mexico.
The main purpose of this survey was to determine the scope of problem gambling in New Mexico and to identify the groups in the population most affected by the disorder. The results of this study also provided information about the impacts of problem gambling in New Mexico and will help public health decision-makers determine the best courses of action when making policy decisions in the future.
For more information on research on problem gambling or gambling addictions, we invite you to attend our annual conference in August. Each year, RGANM brings nationally and internationally-recognized speakers on gambling and addiction research to New Mexico to present the latest information to behavioral health specialists.
View the Executive Summary of the 2006 New Mexico Problem Gambling Study
View the Full Study of the 2006 New Mexico Problem Gambling Study.
Note: It was all delayed due to Covid: Another study of the causes and impact of problem gambling has been conducted. As soon as findings are published in professional journals, we will release information and also post the study on our website.

Watch our 30-minute documentary on RGANM and the compulsive gambling resources that are available.

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Addiction Research
“The research on neurobiology of addiction has come so far. More and more information is emerging that helps us to understand how addiction takes place. It resides in the brain, whereas before people thought of it as something that resided within the substance or activity itself. This has brought about new approaches that make the outcomes more successful and that is really promising.”
~ Daniel Blackwood, LPCC
Director, The Evolution Group
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