In 2019, the Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico expanded our efforts to educate the public about the signs of problem gambling, and to provide prevention and treatment. See our stats for 2019.

2019 Outreach RGANM Infographic

The 2019 Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico’s annual problem gambling conference will be held on Thursday and Friday, August 8-9, 2019 from 8:00am to 4:30pm each day. The event will be held at a new venue, the Santa Ana Star Casino Hotel in Bernalillo.

The conference will provide 12 CEU credits for counselors and social workers’ ongoing education, 6 of which are ethics.  The fee for the conference has remained the same for the past few years so that behavioral health professionals and the general public can attend. The $75 registration fee covers all the sessions and materials, as well as continental breakfast and buffet lunch both days. Registration will close on July 21st or when the capacity of the venue is reached. Past conference attendees will receive an email when registration opens as a reminder, if your email has not changed. You may also use the “Join Our Mailing List” signup on the bottom of the website page.

The 2018 Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico’s 22nd annual problem gambling conference will be held on Thursday and Friday, August 9-10, 2018 from 8:00am to 4:30pm each day. The event will be at Isleta Resort and Casino in Albuquerque.

This year’s conference title is “Empowering Treatment with New Research Findings”. Registration is expected to open in early May and will close on July 6th or when the capacity of 500 people has been reached. If you did not attend in 2017 or you have a new email, you will be prompted to create a new account; otherwise, the same registration process will be in place for 2018.

The conference will provide 14 CEU credits for counselors and social workers’ ongoing education, of which 6 are ethics credits. The fee for the conference has always been kept very low, and has remained the same for the past few years so that many behavioral health professionals and the general public can attend. The $75 registration fee covers all the sessions and materials, as well as continental breakfast and lunch both days. A discounted $65 “early bird” fee is available through June 1st. Past conference attendees will receive an email when registration opens as a reminder.

Read the full 2018 information here.

Register for 2017 Conference

The 2017 Problem Gambling Conference will be held August 3-4, 2017 at Isleta Resort and Casino. For complete information on the conference, click here. Please read all the information before registering. If you attended in 2016 AND have the SAME email address, you should be able to log in to your account, select the 2017 conference, and pay via PayPal. If you did not attend in 2016 OR you have a NEW email, you will need to create a new account. Thank you for your interest in the 21st annual Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico conference on addiction treatment and problem gambling.

Registration extended to July 18th

The 2016 Problem Gambling Conference will be held August 4-5, 2016 at Isleta Resort and Casino. For complete information on the conference, click here. Once registration opens, you will find buttons on that page that will create your account, register you for the conference, and allow you to pay. Thank you for your interest in the 20th annual Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico conference on addiction treatment and problem gambling.

Treatment Providers: Join our E-mail List to Receive Updates

Counselors, join our mailing list to receive the latest news from our Problem Gambling Conferences

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