As part of the outreach for National Problem Gambling Awareness Month, the Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico (RGANM) is sponsoring an art contest for New Mexico students in grades 6 through 12 to help educate their peers about the risks of underage gambling and the potential for harm. According to the National Council on Problem Gambling, between 60 to 80 percent of high school students report having gambled for money in the past year and 4-6% meet the criteria of a problem gambler.

Artwork should be on 8.5×11 white paper in a horizontal format. See the criteria here. It should illustrate a message of education or prevention. Submitted artwork will be evaluated for use in a 2026 calendar that RGANM will print and distribute. Thirteen submissions will be chosen for the calendar’s cover and 12 months; the winning cover design will receive a $100 gift card and each winner for a monthly page will receive a $50 gift card.

The student’s name, grade level and school should be included on the back of the artwork, as well as a valid phone number and email. Submissions can be made to For more information, call 575- 464-7106. The deadline for submissions is May 15, 2025. Calendars will be available by December of 2025 for distribution. Details of the distribution will be announced on our website.

The Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico (RGANM) in collaboration with the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG) dedicates March as Problem Gambling Awareness Month, the 22nd such anniversary. Across New Mexico, RGANM offers year-round outreach, prevention, and treatment for those affected by problem gambling. It’s estimated that about 2 million adults nationally meet the criteria for severe problem gambling. In March 2025, RGANM is also launching a student art contest to provide artwork for an upcoming 2026 educational calendar.

“In the last year, we have seen a rise in sports betting, both at some New Mexico casinos as well as online apps. The penetration of online gaming in both adults and youth is also increasing,” said Shannon Dictson, the association’s president and the coordinator of the Mescalero Responsible Gaming Program in Mescalero, New Mexico. “Requests for help on our website increased in 2024 as did calls to our free and confidential 24/7 helpline, staffed by counselors trained in problem gambling treatment.”

March is not only Problem Gambling Awareness Month, it is also when the annual college basketball tournament is held. Americans are expected to wager more than $3 Billion dollars on the March Madness tournament, with players making bets in Las Vegas, online gaming, sportsbooks, and office pools. It was estimated that for the recent NFL Super Bowl, Americans wagered $1.39 Billion dollars, according to the American Gaming Association.

“Gambling has become pervasive across the United States in the last few years,” said Dictson. “In New Mexico, the collaboration of Native American tribes that formed the Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico before casinos even opened in 1997 knew that help would be needed. RGANM provides many helpful resources, including free treatment, that are available for the gambler and their family. We hold an annual August seminar for treatment providers, which helps educate them on the latest research and options to help problem gamblers and run public service announcements on how to find help.”

Our website provides more information and resources for treatment providers can be found at or by calling the RGANM Helpline at 888-696-2440. Nationwide statistics and resources can be found on the NCPG website at

Each year in the United States, March is observed as Problem Gambling Awareness Month. In New Mexico, the Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico (RGANM) offers year-round outreach, prevention, and treatment for those affected by problem gambling.

“Gambling, whether it’s at a casino or even online games, can become a compulsive behavior for some, particularly online gaming sites which can be very addictive since the cell phone is always within reach,” said Shannon Dictson, the association’s president and the coordinator of the Mescalero Responsible Gaming Program in Mescalero, New Mexico. “Our goal in Problem Gambling Awareness Month, as well as every other month, is to make sure people have the information about how to play responsibly and how to access the resources and treatment that are available, if they need help. Our website and 24/7 helpline, staffed by counselors trained in problem gambling treatment, offer lots of information as well as access to free treatment.”

March is not only Problem Gambling Awareness Month, it is also a time when the annual basketball tournament is held. Research conducted by American Gaming Association says that 47 million Americans expect to wager on the March Madness tournament. One analyst on estimates that nearly half a billion dollars will be wagered during the tournament, with players making bets in Las Vegas, online gaming, sportsbooks, and office pools.

“Gambling has become pervasive across the United States,” said Dictson, “We even have online sports bet companies advertising on TV in professional sports. With so much promotion of gambling, we want to make sure people have information.”

In New Mexico, before the first Native casino opened in 1995, a collaboration of tribes formed the Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico, knowing that resources would be needed. During March, and across the entire year, the Association and the treatment providers that work with them offer many resources, including free treatment, are available for the gambler and their family. The Association has also announced that registration is open for their annual conference for treatment providers, which helps educate them on the latest research and options to help problem gamblers. If you need to be invoiced for your registrations, reach out to Kalika Valerio at

More information about those resources can be found at or by calling the RGANM Helpline at 888-696-2440. Nationwide statistics and resources including screening tools can be found on the National Council for Problem Gambling website at

A new series of videos are available on our website for treatment providers and the gamblers and family members affected by problem gambling. The videos include nationally recognized experts on addictions as well as New Mexico treatment providers.

The topics include:
– “ACEs: The Link Between Childhood Trauma, Brain Chemistry, and Addictions”: ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) has a direct correlation with the likelihood of issues for adolescents and adults. They are more prone to addictive behaviors as well as other health issues. Nationally recognized speaker, Frank Kros, MSW, JD, explains the tie between ACEs and compulsive gambling.
“Harm Reduction in Gambling”: Loreen Rugle, PhD, explains that research has shown gamblers may benefit from harm reduction techniques as opposed to trying to never gamble again. Daniel Blackwood, Director of The Evolution Group, covers information on how to approach harm reduction.
“Self Help Programs for Gambling”: the Gamblers Anonymous national spokesperson and treatment providers for compulsive gambling offer information on how self help programs work, what to expect, and how to get involved.
“Self Bans in Casinos”: New Mexico casinos all offer a self-ban program, where a gambler may choose to self-exclude from the property. Learn what to expect, how the self-bans may differ at various properties, and if this is an option you’d like to explore.
“Sports Betting”: Wagering on sports is now possible in many New Mexico casinos, and across the nation, is often available on apps on your smart phone. Learn the impact of sports betting, why it is perhaps more addictive than other types of gaming, and how to play responsibly.

The videos were produces by Edit House Productions, one of New Mexico’s leading video production companies. Edit House has worked with the Responsible Gaming Association since 2006.

Our annual summary of outreach and services to those affected by problem gambling is summarized below in an infographic. For any questions about our services or the association of native casinos, contact

Each year in the United States, March is observed as Problem Gambling Awareness Month. In New Mexico, the Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico (RGANM) offers year-round outreach, prevention, and treatment for those affected by problem gambling.

In 2021, even with many of the state’s Native American-owned casino properties closed due to Covid-19, RGANM reported an 11% increase over the prior year in visits to the website, Of those visitors, there was a significant increase in clicks to a treatment providers’ website, up 78% from 2020.

“We know that even when our casinos were closed, many people still find ways to gamble, particularly through online gaming sites which can be very addictive,” said Shannon Dictson, the association’s vice president and the coordinator of the Mescalero Responsible Gaming Program in Mescalero, New Mexico. “Our website and 24/7 helpline, staffed by counselors trained in problem gambling treatment, continued to serve people, even when the casino properties were closed.”
March is not only Problem Gambling Awareness Month, it is also a time when the annual college basketball tournament is held. Research conducted by American Gaming Association says that 47 million Americans expect to wager on the March Madness tournament. One analyst on estimates that nearly half a billion dollars will be wagered during the tournament, with players making bets in Las Vegas, online gaming, sportsbooks, and office pools.

“Gambling has become pervasive across the United States,” said Dictson. “In New Mexico, before the first Native casino opened in 1995, a collaboration of tribes formed the Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico, knowing that resources would be needed. During March, and across the entire year, we want people to know that many resources, including free treatment, are available for the gambler and their family. We also have announced our series of 2022 webinars for treatment providers, which helps educate them on the latest research and options to help problem gamblers.”

More information about those resources can be found at or by calling the RGANM Helpline at 888-696-2440. Nationwide statistics and resources can be found on the National Council for Problem Gambling website at

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