About the Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico
The Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico (RGANM) is a collaboration of many of the state’s Native American owned casinos, who work together to promote awareness of problem gambling and of the resources that are available across New Mexico.
RGANM provides educational materials about problem gambling, and funds treatment and counseling services. Among the association’s training efforts, every employee at every tribal member casino is required to take an annual class in recognizing problem gambling behaviors so that appropriate casino employees may offer that patron information and assistance.
In addition, the group holds an annual conference in August for treatment providers and counselors, offering continuing education credits for their licensure and ongoing information about the treatment of individuals and their families. More than 400 treatment providers attend the annual conference, usually held the second week in August. Since the first conference in 1997, approximately 6000 people have attended the presentations from nationally and internationally recognized speakers on gambling, addiction and behavioral health.
The Help Line number, 888-696-2440, is answered by trained Help Line specialists who provide caring, confidential assistance to callers throughout the State of New Mexico. Callers to the Help Line receive free informational materials, the contact number for the nearest Gamblers’ Anonymous meeting, and referral to appropriate treatment, support or community resources. The professional staff is trained in crisis intervention protocols and data collection and statistical reporting of calls.
The Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico organized in 1997, just as casino gaming was beginning at the first Native American tribe in the state. The New Mexico tribes have been recognized at the forefront of proactive education, prevention and treatment in their voluntary collaboration. No other state is known to have a similar organization.
RGANM Policy
Problem gambling is a serious and widely recognized problem and as such, constitutes a threat to the well being of legalized gambling in general. It is the policy of the Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico, to conduct its activities in a manner which recognizes the necessity of programs and policies that address this problem in an enlightened and appropriate manner.
It is the policy of the Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico to actively participate in local, state, regional and national programs designated to help in alleviating this problem. It is further the policy of the Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico to ensure on-going training programs for casino personnel to assist in identifying problem gamblers, whether employee or customer.
It is the policy of the Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico to work in cooperation with social agencies and governmental authorities on matters relating to this issue.
The purpose of this policy is to reinforce the Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico’s commitment to promoting responsible gaming behavior at Native American casinos throughout New Mexico.
Contact Us Today!
Watch our 30-minute documentary on RGANM and the compulsive gambling resources that are available.

Gambling Help Line
(888) 696-2440
Available 24/7

Learn about regional conferences for New Mexico treatment providers. Click here for more information.

Shannon Dictson
Mescalero Responsible Gaming Program
Kristina Martinez
Vice President
Sandia Casino
Erik Hensler
Santa Ana Star Casino Hotel
Juanita Duran
Isleta Resort and Casino

Board Members
Donna Jo Martinez
Taos Casino
Denise Tafoya
Santa Claran Hotel Casino
Ann Gutierrez
Ohkay Casino Resort Hotel
Cheryl Wanya
Sky City Casino
Angela Padilla
Buffalo Thunder Resort & Casino
Cities of Gold Casino & Hotel
Dennis Garcia
Black Mesa Casino
Ryan Riley
Route 66 Casino – Dancing Eagle Casino
Mike Vigil
Tesuque Casino
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