2020 Problem Gambling Conference Cancellation
The Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico has cancelled the annual August 2020 conference on problem gambling. We feel that the concern about the COVID-19 virus is too much to risk at a large in-person event. Instead, we are working to develop webinars so that we continue to provide quality education to treatment providers.
We anticipate that these will be shorter, probably lasting a few hours and each worth a few CEUs. With virtual attendance, we hope that more New Mexico treatment providers will be able to participate, and we hope to have stellar presenters provide information on research and treatment for problem gambling, addiction, and trauma.
We will send an email to prior conference attendees once more detail on our online conferences is available. If you have a new email address or have not attended in the past, please subscribe to our email list to receive updates. The link is on the home page of our website.
Next year, we will offer an excellent lineup of speakers, and look forward to seeing you then. Until then, be well and be safe.
Treatment Providers: Join our E-mail List to Receive Updates
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